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Speech Therapy Services from The Loop

Our team of speech-language pathologists provide top-notch speech therapy to Chicago students in need

When children experience speech issues and disorders, it can negatively impact their ability to communicate, socialize, and participate in the school setting. 

That’s why The Loop is on a mission to assess and treat speech issues and disorders when they occur. 

Our stellar team of speech and language pathologists (SLPs) are highly skilled at assessing and treating all types of speech issues in school-aged children. 

We’re dedicated to supporting students in our partner private schools in Chicago with our top-quality speech therapy, evaluation, and educational advocacy services. 

Why should your school get in the loop of the best speech therapy services in Chicago and beyond? Because customized, comprehensive, quality speech therapy services are the foundation of what we do! 

Get in the Loop or find out more about how we can help you

What is speech therapy and why is it important? 

So what if a child has trouble speaking, or pronouncing certain sounds and words? It’s not really that big of a deal, right?! WRONG! 

For one thing, speech is a major way we communicate and interact with the world around us. It’s how we express ourselves, get our needs met, and connect with others. 

And those are all pretty important things! 

But, speech issues go even deeper than that. 

Because, sometimes, speech issues signify something bigger and more complex is going on with your child’s development. If that’s the case, it’s vital to have expert support and guidance in your corner to secure and provide your child with the assistance and services they need to succeed. 

Our expert speech and language therapists conduct thorough, customized assessments of your child’s speech and language skills, to understand what issues are at play and how to treat any speech concerns so they don’t become bigger issues that can negatively impact your child’s educational experience or prospects. 

Look—we know you’d do anything for your child. 

Still, many parents assume a child will simply grow out of their speech issues. While it’s true some speech problems can and do resolve on their own—many won’t without targeted, personalized training and treatment. 

The Loop team will help you spot the difference, and get your child the customized support and treatment they need. 

What types of speech disorders does The Loop treat?


Our Loop speech and language therapists are highly trained at assessing and treating any and all types of speech disorders and issues in children. 

We’re your go-to experts when it comes to evaluating and treating speech issues like—

If you’re like most parents, you may be unsure or uncertain about pinpointing a speech issue in your child. After all, you can understand them perfectly well. 

Sometimes, it’s hard for parents to see the proverbial forest for the trees when it comes to their own childrens’ speech development. 

Give yourself a break—you can’t be an expert in everything! That’s why we’re here to support parents like you to get your children the therapy and support services they need. 

We’re also here to make sure you have all the info you need to make the best, most informed decisions for your family. That’s why our blog is regularly stocked with great info and articles about all things speech, language, and learning. 

Speaking of our blog—

This article’s a helpful overview of speech and language milestones in children. It’ll help you see if your kiddo is on track, or may be delayed in their speech skills development. 

If you have concerns about your child’s speech development—don’t panic! SLPs are highly trained at assessing and treating speech problems and disorders, to ensure your little one can catch up with their same-aged peers. 

In fact, you can even be a big help in your child’s speech therapy! Speech therapists welcome parental involvement in the process, because we know you’re the expert on your child. And, the more therapy can be built into their days, the better! 

Unsure how you can support your child's speech skills? We’ve got you covered! Check out this article, all about how parents can target therapy goals at home. Because teamwork makes the dream work! 

Need more help? We’ve got you covered. Reach out to us directly with your questions. We love to chat!


How can Chicago students access speech therapy services from The Loop?

The Loop proudly partners with Chicago private schools to offer their students access to the very best in comprehensive, customized therapy and learning support services. 

When your school partners with us, we’ll make sure your child gets the speech therapy support they need to overcome any barriers to their success—in school and in life. 

Want to get your school in the loop of the best in comprehensive, customized therapy and learning support services? Visit our site for all the details to partner with us! 

In addition to our stellar speech therapy services, we also proudly offer an extensive menu of top-quality therapy and learning support services, including language therapy, behavioral therapy, occupational therapy, learning remediation, and executive function coaching. 

Plus, if your family needs a professional advocate in your corner to help guide your decisions and secure your child access to all the support services they need, we also provide educational consultancy and advocacy services. 

Interested in getting your school in the loop with our top-quality speech therapy services? We’d love to connect with you! 

Complete our contact form online and we’ll reach out to connect with you.

Or, shoot us an email at with your questions. You can also reach us by phone at 773.720.0646.


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